“Joash remained hidden for six years while Athaliah ruled the land.” The Hebrew Bible records an astonishing thing: a woman ruled the southern kingdom of Judah for six years after her husband and son died (2 Kings 11 and 2 Chronicles 22-23). Athaliah is portrayed as something of a villain in these narratives, perhaps a counterfoil to...
Exciting news! I have created a 6 session course entitled “Embodiment is Found in the Stillness.” Five of the sessions are audio recordings and one session is a video of the three Religion for Her co-founders discussing embodiment. There is a detailed workbook with reflective questions included with the course.
Premise of the...
We all live each day with a certain amount of grief simmering under the surface. It is there, even if we fail to acknowledge its existence. Not just the grief associated with losing a loved one, but also the ambiguous grief. That one mediocre grade that kept you from your dream school, the friendship that ended abruptly, the realization that you...
Our culture is built on multi-tasking and productivity. If we have a spare moment, we are often scrolling or looking over our to-do list. In the Old Testament, there are numerous times when we are encouraged to “be still.” There are actually at least 3 different verbs in Hebrew that can be translated as “to be still, to be...
How to Actively Read:
Last week we began exploring the difference between passive reading and active reading, and how this relates to our own particular Bible reading style.
It is natural to sit back and just listen to a sermon, including Scripture being read. But is this active engagement? When I teach college students how to engage with...
“Wait. There were female prophets???” Her shock hung in the air, almost palpable. And her exclamation echoed the surprise and measured curiosity of countless students who, upon learning of female prophets in the Bible, aren’t sure whether to be suspicious of what they are reading or resentful that they have never heard of a...
Habit Formation and Unmet Expectations
There are moments in life when we get a glimpse of how our daily habits reap some benefit. A degree earned, a skill mastered, a mindset broadened. It is the little things we repeat daily that add up to exponential growth in the long-term. These moments don’t occur frequently, but they do offer some...
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