It Doesn't Have to Be Perfect To Be Wonderful expectations imperfection reconstruct remember wonderful May 16, 2023

With Mother’s Day this past weekend, I spent some time reminiscing on the last 22 years as a mother.

We all have certain expectations in life. We imagine things going a certain way, but often, circumstances turn out much differently than we imagine. This is pregnancy in a nutshell for me. I became pregnant with my first child five months...

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Stinking Grapes and Unmet Expectations determination disappointment expectations habits hebrew bible inspire isaiah 5 metaphor mindset motivation old testament viticulture Feb 15, 2022

Habit Formation and Unmet Expectations

There are moments in life when we get a glimpse of how our daily habits reap some benefit. A degree earned, a skill mastered, a mindset broadened. It is the little things we repeat daily that add up to exponential growth in the long-term. These moments don’t occur frequently, but they do offer some...

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