Does God Have a Body? ancientartifacts critical reading embodied expanding our perspective hebrew bible mindset scripture tension May 09, 2022

How did the ancient Israelites glean their understanding of the divine? How was the God of the Hebrew Bible characterized? Theologians and scholars have long interpreted the God of the Hebrew Bible as multifaceted and complex. These complexities are not mere inventions of scholars, but have their roots in the text themselves. In some instances,...

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Active Reading: A Method For Deeper Engagement active reading bible reading critical reading engagement expanding our perspective hermeneutics isaiah 5 metaphor mindset old testament passive reading scripture song of songs viticulture Mar 22, 2022

How to Actively Read:

Last week we began exploring the difference between passive reading and active reading, and how this relates to our own particular Bible reading style.

It is natural to sit back and just listen to a sermon, including Scripture being read. But is this active engagement? When I teach college students how to engage with...

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Wait! You Mean There Were Female Prophets? expanding our perspective female prophets hebrew bible old testament prophecy and divination prophetesses woman prophets Mar 01, 2022

“Wait. There were female prophets???” Her shock hung in the air, almost palpable. And her exclamation echoed the surprise and measured curiosity of countless students who, upon learning of female prophets in the Bible, aren’t sure whether to be suspicious of what they are reading or resentful that they have never heard of a...

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