The Tabernacle: Bearing Witness to the Presence of God abrahamic religions acts of kindness bearing witness easter season high priest holy of holies tabernacle Apr 18, 2023

As we are in Easter Season (the seven weeks between Easter Sunday and Pentecost Sunday), I have been reflecting on the new covenant depicted in Hebrews 9-10 and its connection to the earthly tabernacle described in Exodus 25-31. In what ways does religious architecture mediate contact between the deity and the people? How do these passages bear...

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Living an Authentic Life Requires Action: A Reflection on Mother Teresaā€™s Calling abrahamic religions authentic life calling higher meaning mother teresa passion purpose Aug 22, 2022

My husband decided Tuesday night at ten o’clock was the opportune time to passionately relay a familiar epiphany to me. He wanted to volunteer monthly in an orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico, about forty minutes from our home in San Diego, CA. Over the years he has traveled across the border multiple times (he is Mexican-American and has family...

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