Our Logo: Religion, Menstruation, Collaboration
Jan 26, 2022The meaning and symbolism behind our logo is multilayered. The logo symbolizes religion, womanhood, and the act of breaking free from constraints, which form the core of our goals at Religion for Her.
The floral image derives from the Judean rosette seal found impressed on many artifacts, such as clay jars, found in and near ancient Jerusalem. Most of these seal impressions were partial, leaving a rim or semicircle in the clay as a remnant of the original seal stamp.
Here is another stylized example of the rosette seal.
[Image Credit: Autumn Uhrig, copyright Religion for Her, 2022]
Jerusalem is considered a sacred place in of three of the world's largest monotheistic faiths, and many others also. The rosette seal thus represents a nexus of different faith traditions and interpretations of Scripture.
The crescent in our logo is a lunar symbol representing the changing of women's cycles in menstruation. We celebrate womanhood in all phases of life - from pre-menstrual, to menstrual, to menopausal. Our community focuses on embodied interpretation of Scripture, and it is our hope to embrace womanhood in its fullness in our dialogue around sacred texts.
Breaking Free
The floral symbol in our logo is positioned both inside the crescent circle while it also breaks out of the circle to its left. This symbolizes the act of honoring religious tradition while seeking fresh interpretations at the same time. By focusing on interpreting Scripture from a female lens, we hope to widen the dialogue with collaborative conversation that centers on women's embodied readings.